Code:OLAP Radar

Z Motława
Wersja Awo (dyskusja | edycje) z dnia 14:18, 20 mar 2009

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Procedura do HierCube

function CalcTrendByCol(Args: TSubFunctionCalculatorArgs; out Res: Double; TrendVer: Integer): Boolean; var Node: TLabelNode; Nodes: TLabelNodes; i: Integer; CurrCell, PrevCell: PDataCell; x0, x1: Double; begin { by default return empty cell } Result := False; with Args do begin //if not FunctionData[ColTreeIndex, RowTreeIndex].NotEmpty then Exit; CurrCell := FunctionData[ColTreeIndex, RowTreeIndex]; if CurrCell.NotEmpty then begin x1 := CurrCell.Data; if x1 = 0.0 then Exit; end else Exit; if RowLabelNode = nil then Exit; { find the parent node of RowLabelNode } Node := RowLabelNode; { for the most total node return empty value } if Node = nil then Exit; { the list of all nodes from the area of adequate comparisons including the given one } if Node.IsSubTotal then Exit; if (Node.Parent <> nil) and Node.Parent.IsSubTotal then Exit; Nodes := Node.LabelNodes; { find previous cells from the area of adequate comparisons } i := Node.Index - 1; if i >= 0 then begin Node := Nodes[i]; if not Node.IsSubTotal then begin PrevCell := FunctionData[ColTreeIndex, Node.TreeIndex]; // RowTreeIndex if PrevCell.NotEmpty then begin Result := True; x0 := PrevCell.Data; case TrendVer of 1: Res := (1 - x0/x1) * 100; 2: Res := x0/x1 * 100; end; end; end; end; end; end;